In a previous post I wondered if Comet NEOWISE (or C/2020 F3) would become the next Hale-Bopp. For Aldie, VA it hasn’t been as visible as Hale-Bopp yet, but it sure has delighted. Definitely one of the brightest in decades.

Currently, it is easily spotted through binoculars and telescopes. I was able to capture an image of the comet Saturday night and submitted my first photo to the Sky&Telescopes online gallery since Comet Holmes in 2007! Be sure to view the comet soon because the 3 mile wide, 144,000 mph comet won’t be back for another 6800 years.

The image was captured with a Celestron CR-150 6″ Refractor and Nikon D100 camera. Perhaps I will try again in a few days.